Walk into Eight Lounge and experience a sophisticated and modern cigar environment unlike any other. More than 150 premium cigars are on hand, giving Eight at Resorts World the edge on catering to any cigar enthusiast or curious newcomer. Explore the space and fall into the vast selection of smokes and limited-edition cigars. Eight is sexy and energetic, seamlessly transitioning from a classic daytime cigar bar to a lively “cigar friendly” lounge in the evening. Pair your tobacco of choice with time-honored and modernized cocktails to set the mood. The cigars are only the beginning.
Sunday - Friday: 4:00pm - 2:00am
Saturday: 1:00pm - 2:00am
Live Music: Fridays starting at 9pm
Dress Code: Business Casual
Age: 21 and older
Location: Resorts World